Saturday, October 20th was the 45th Anniversary of the Patterson-Gimlin Film and one of the gatherings was at the Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California.
In attendance were Kathy and Bob Strain, Jeff Meldrum, Bill Munns, Terry Smith, Bart Cutino, Todd Hale, Daniel Perez and other bigfoot researchers and enthusiasts.
(L. to R.: Jeff Meldrum, yours truly, Terry Smith (front), Bart Cutino, Bob Strain, Daniel Perez, Kathy Strain and Bill Munns. Photo copyright and courtesy of Tom Yamarone.)
There was a lunch social at the museum and an evening event at the Felton Town Hall.
The featured attraction was the viewing of part of Roger Patterson's traveling bigfoot movie which was donated to the museum this summer. The 45 minute "reel 1" featured clips of Patterson pouring a plaster cast and riding horses with Bob Gimlin. Roger is also seen addressing the audience with his views on the subject, displaying his 8 foot tall drawing of a male bigfoot and showing the plaster footprint casts he made over the years. Al DeAtley, Patterson's brother-in-law, and John Napier also appear in this film. It is an historic documentary produced by the BBC at the direction of Patterson. He showed this as part of a traveling feature presentation of the famous Patterson-Gimlin film.
Bill Munns spoke at the event about the latest analyses he is performing to validate the PG film One of the most critical tests he is performing regards the breasts of the female film subject. Bill is a special effects/costume professional who has close to 45 years of experience in Hollywood working on feature films. His PG Film project is moving forward thanks to funding facilitated by Jeff Meldrum from the Cestone Foundation.
Bart Cutino closed the program by introducing the Sierras Evidence Initiative, an organization he co-founded to analyze evidence from a specific study area. He shared thermal imager video taken in August 2012 of possible sasquatch figures moving in the trees around their camp.
I was hosted in Felton by Terry Smith at the Fern River resort (Thank you, Terry!) and we ended the evening with a campfire under the redwoods along the San Lorenzo River. It was a long and enjoyable day and evening at Bigfoot Discovery Day V.
Here are my photos from the event.
I started the evening program playing two of my bigfoot songs -
"Jerry Crew (He Knew What To Do)" and "Roger and Bob (Rode Out That Day)"
(what's up with this formatting? AND as always, click on the photo for a large verision. Back arrow to return to blog.)
View of hall at the start of the event. |
Mike Rugg speaking at Bigfoot Discovery Day V
Dr. Jeff Meldrum introduced Reel 1 of the traveling Patterson-Gimlin Film.
The audience watching the rare film in Felton Town Hall.
Portion of film showing Roger Patterson with his "life-size" bigfoot drawing. |
Intermission - John and friend talking with Kathy Strain. |
Bill Munns explains his latest analyses of the famous bigfoot film. |
Bill shows a video using methods available in 1967 to create latex breasts. |
Bill Munns created a mask based on the PG Film subject's head. Here he tries it on to show how difficult it is to see out of it. Bill stated that his study was very close to validating the film - "...beyond a doubt to a reasonable person."
Bart addresses the event and displays the logo for his group. |
The Bigfoot Discovery Museum in Felton, California. |
Close up of the bigfoot statue outside the museum. |
the actual 45 year old film on display in the museum - Reel 1. |
Campfire friends glowing in the fire's light. |
(well, that's the best formatting can offer! hey, any web designers out there want to kick this site into gear? )