(the backyard bigfoot statue posed in front of the Beachfoot 2010 banner.)Beachfoot 2010 took place last weekend in the Siuslaw National Forest outside of Lincoln City on the Oregon Coast. The brainchild of Todd Neiss, a long-time bigfoot researcher from the Portland area, the 3rd Annual gathering was another memorable weekend spent in the company of sasquatch researchers.
(Peter Byrne addressing the Beachfoot gathering on Saturday evening.)Peter Byrne has been the guest of honor at all three events and his involvement in the search for bigfoot is legendary. Starting back in 1959, he was assigned the leadership role on Tom Slick's Pacific Northwest Expedition in Northern California. The expedition lasted 2 and 1/2 years and yielded footprint evidence from the Bluff Creek area. As we learned over the weekend, the group spent much of their time scouring the creekbeds for footprints. He spoke about his experience there on Saturday night and also mentioned finding a nest structure along an isolated creekbed. It was made of ferns and moss and was nearly 9 feet long.
Peter also mentioned how Jerry Crew, the bulldozer operator who brought forth a footprint cast in 1958 from Bluff Creek, was hired on by the expedition. He was actually hiking that day with Peter when they came upon the nest structure. Peter told the group he was currently working on his 2nd book about the bigfoot subject.
(the scene around the common area at camp. Friends and acquaintances spending the weekend talking bigfoot.)Many other researchers were present at Beachfoot 2010. Ron Morehead (of the Sierra Sounds recordings) has attended all of the events. And Cliff Barackman (of North American Bigfoot) and Diane Stocking (of Stocking Hominid Research) also gave presentations to the group on Saturday night.
Thomas Steenburg, author of several books on his search for sasquatch evidence and accounts, was there. Joe Beelart, Henry Franzoni, Hal Halderman, Bruce Harrington, Jason Moore, Ronnie Roseman, Jerry Hein, Beth Heikkinen and several others active in the field were there as well.
We spent the weekend in the coastal rainforest along Old Scenic Highway 101 and had the opportunity to discuss the subject at length. We were able to explore the nearby forests in the early morning hours but no activity was observed or documented.
(a musical moment on Saturday afternoon. Playing "Jerry Crew" for Peter, Ron, Cliff, Joe, Hal, Rainey and others at the Byrne/Morehead/Halderman campsite.)The bigfoot songs and music were a small part of the weekend campfire scene. I played "Jerry Crew (He Knew What To Do)" for Peter Byrne after hearing about Jerry's involvement with the Bluff Creek expedition. Everyone enjoyed it and was very complimentary.
There were also two men from the entertainment industry there to meet eyewitnesses and gather bigfoot accounts for a project they have in the works. Chris and George are involved in animation and hope to depict bigfoot sighting accounts in that format. Sounds very exciting!
(the Sunday morning Beachfoot 2010 group photo - by then some had already gone home. Not pictured: Bruce Harrington, Henry Franzoni, Oliver, Denise, Pam and a few others.)I enjoyed the time spent traveling to and from the event with Jerry Hein from Belmont, CA. It was another great gathering along the Oregon Coast. I look forward to next year's event.
Hope to get back up here soon and keep you up to date on what's happening in our bigfoot world.
(some scenic shots: Thom Steenburg's campsite, Old Scenic Highway 101 on the way to Otis, Oregon and the Haceta Head Lighthouse north of Florence, Oregon.
As always, click on the photo for a larger image.)