Aloha, Bra'!! Sasquatch IS in Hawai'i

No, bigfoot has not been sighted in Hawai'i - but the spirit of sasquatch exists
in our favorite tropical paradise.
We had a great time hosting Steven McCarthy from Hanalei, Kauai at the P-G Film's 40th Anniversary Celebration in Willow Creek. Hawai'i was represented!
Now I chanced upon an offer for free stickers from Hawai'i for
Custom Surfboards by Sasquatch.
Mitch McClain is the "squatch" behind the 'boards.
Here's a couple of the things he mailed back in my self addressed stamped

to get your stickers, send a (legal-sized) self addressed stamped envelope to:
Sasquatch Board Company
P.O. Box 60638
'Ewa Beach, HI. 96706
Stickers are FREE!